<pre> and </pre>

PURPOSE: To make preformatted text. Writes text exactly as it is, including spaces.

Below is a basic html document. The referenced html tag is in RED. All tags must have a start and a end tag. Most end tags have a / before the tags name, however there are a few that are done differently. The tags that end differently will be noted and highlighted. The order of the start and end tags is also very important to proper display of your page in a web browser.

<title>Preformatted Text</title>
       Higher still and higher
         From the earth thou springest
       Like a cloud of fire;
         The blue deep thou wingest,
And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.

Here is an example of preformatted text:

       Higher still and higher
         From the earth thou springest
       Like a cloud of fire;
         The blue deep thou wingest,
And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.

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