13 ap-aerial


Aerial or atmospheric interference with visual perception causes loss of contrast, detail and sharp focus. The effect, which Leonardo called "the perspective of disappearance," tends to make objects seem to take on a blue-gray middle value as they increase in distance. This effect is used by film makers to give the illusion of great depth, but can be used to great effect by painters and draftsmen. The illustration above shows loss of color saturation, contrast, and detail as the cubes fall further away from the viewer. Here is a list of attributes that objects have as they recede in space:

Hint: As objects recede away from the viewer in atmospheric perspective, bright whites and rich blacks tend toward medium gray and eventually disappear into a blue/gray background. Even colors have greater intensity closer to a viewer than they do further away.

Sometimes an artist describes aerial perspective by allowing the white, or color of the paper to dominate as the depth increases. A good example of this occurs in Claude Lorraine's Landscape with Ruins, Pastoral Figures, and Trees from between 1643-1655.

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