< Large JavaScript Sites >

Javascript.Earthweb.com searchable
JavaGoodies.com java / scripts
FreewareJava.com java / script

 Doc Javascripts tip of the day   Removing the Trusted Application's Border Window Chrome
tip of the day archive
ZDNET Developer
PPK JavaScript  lots of information, scripts

< JavaScript Guides & Frequently Asked Question Sites >

Irt.org JavaScript FAQ searchablevaluable site fantastic resource/faq
Developer.Netscape Javascript 1.3 Guide cross browser
javascript 1.2
netscapes javascript site
server side javascript

DevEdge Newsgroup FAQ
Microsoft JScript References
Faqts.com  new faq has dhtml / dom etc searchable

< JavaScript Tutorials >

The JavaScript Primers  30 Steps that make JavaScripting fun to learn!
Intro to DOM of IE5 &Netscape 6
mozilla.org netscape 6 samples
VooDoos Intro to JavaScript with downloadble tutorial file
JavaScript Tutorial and Links
WebMonkey - Tutorials
WebTeacher.com  for the total non programmer
Introduction to JavaScript  interactive tutorial
WebDeveloper.com  tutorial

JavaScript Tutorials from HotDog creators
JavaScript Weirdness  what works and what doesn't
Nebulus Designs >Learning > javascript
Joe Barta's JavaScript Tutorial
DrClue's Javascript Reference
Links to W3C Dom / N6 mozilla resources

 Book Support Sites  usually have script examples
JavaScript World Javascript for the WWW Visual Quickstart 4th Ed.
Danny Goodman's Books

< JavaScript Source Sites >

#html's RoChess  some nice cross browser scripts
#html's RoBorg's   javascript source
#html's [Cytro]  javascripts
Javascripts.com free but requires email and login
Cut and Paste Javascript  176 free scripts & downloadable book
JavaScript Planet   - 371 free scripts
develop friendly code
Joust Outliner   expanding menu site navagation system - freeware
Builder.Cnet.com - Script Library  searchable
javascript tips
stupid web tricks
Digital Extreme  clock, fader, status bar + more
Fred's Scripts  some random scripts, frames stuff, and more
Moock.org  detects, pulldowns, mouseOver, and more
Haznet Fallout Shelter
JavaScript the easy way  nice scripts from vortex.co.uk
Redmount.com  scripts
Javascript calculator archive  tons of different calcs

Hugh's Calculators  javascript & cgi examples
Javascript Corral  cut and paste site
Paul McFredries Scripts  forms, frames, dates + more
Website Abstraction  javascript tutorials, scripts and java applets
Timothy's Scripts - getting old now
ScriptXtrax.com  large java/javascript site
MickWeb.com  math functions, random background, list properties
page and status bar scroller
working with numbers  calculations etc
dynamic calender script seems y2k compliant
breadcrumbs© navigation
breadcrumbs© navigation v1.2
multiple choice quiz & same using images
password tutorial
javascript array tutorial
MaTt's Javascripts  random things, games clocks

CookieCentral.com - the name says it all
WebReference.com - Cookies
another article
Irt.org Form to Cookies Article
Couldn't find what you wanted try this Altavista Search

< Example Scripts >

Form Scripts & Frames Scripts
GateKeeper improved password script + instructions
RoChess's Password Script
Simple Password   page not visible in source older version of above
Text Mouseovers  from Web Techniques magazine
Mozilla.org - Ultimate Browser Detect vendor, version, and os
WebReference.com - WebToolz collection of script generators
use external scripts
today's date
ultimate detector now has N6 included
Operating system detect for Css
Some Alert Events
Welcome Script  with user inputs
Status Bar Scroller Script
Go back prompted # of pages
Status bar messages includes default status msg & one for forms
Test Background Colors  from known codes
Porter's Workshop preload, status bar, frame swaps +
Msdn - Set Home Page ie only
Add page to Explorer Favorites popup site
Javascript Optimization Tests experience needed

 Prevent Source - Image Theft  - if it's on the www somebody will be able to get it
No Right Click read it all
Protect Source right click script & the futility it
Hide Source more on why its futile
Protecting your Images cgi & javascript
This Trick Fools Lots of People
theFixor trys to make it harder

 Script Generators 
Nebulus.org - Roller  script generator with sounds
Mha.ca - ToolBar Wizard shareware rollover generator
GreatLook.com rollover code generator

 Image MouseOver Scripts 
Irt.org - MouseOver FAQ
RoChess's Mouseovers  works in all browsers
[CYTRO]'s Mouseover Effects
using regular visual expressions
Magic Buttons single image change — $ for the rest
WPFD.com - Animated Gif Type
simple  &  advancedsome variations
Evolt.org - No Script Edit well documented x-browser
Moock.org  mouseOver script
Charity Kahn on MouseOvers
mouse over machine  code generator with remote image
Builder.com - Scripting ImageMaps
WebReference.com - ImageMap Rollovers
text rollovers for both browsers
Website Abstraction mouseOver generator
Doc Ozone's MouseOvers
Cross Frame MouseOver from Joe Crawfords's lab
mouseover to text input
Cross Frame Bi-Direction MouseOver
HtmlGoodies.com - Dual Flip
JoeMaller.com - Basic & Random Image MouseOver
Digital Extreme  mouseover sound
TheShockZone.com - MouseOvers with Sound
Builder.com - MouseOver Sound
Turtle-Web.com - MouseOver Sound

 Image Related Scripts 
Slide Show using buttons from Nick Heinle
Porters Preload with Onlad to new page should move only when images are loaded
Random Image use shift-reload to see different images
Radio Button -> Image Change
Image Change on Timer
Image Cycler not animated gifs
Image Billboard
MickWeb.com - Simple JPG Rotator

< Everything About Those Annoying PopUps >

popup site theFixor™ hates them, but for your viewing pleasure I have moved these links to a new window, and as an extra bonus for you version 4 users it will be maximized.  Hit Me with that New Window.  Or because I'm sooo kind to "my" viewers you could avoid all that that by using this more sensible link

< JavaScript Bookmaklets <

BookMarklets.com  some amazing free bookmarklets including 216 color generator that you just drag to your bookmark file.   Check out the  Webreference Article  on making your own.
And this neat search engine  bookmarklet
Bookmarklets - The Littlest Next Big Thing
Favlets  from Tantek Celik - www related helpers - css sheet swapper
LifeOnTheDeck.com - bookmarklets

< What is a Signed Javascript >

Here's what the Netscape JavaScript FAQ has to say about signed scripts:
A signed script is a script which has a digital signature associated with it, and which can therefore request additional privileges from the user. Each privilege has a distinct name, such as "UniversalBrowserWrite" -- allowing almost total control over the browser's behaviour -- or "UniversalBrowserRead" -- allowing the script to read data from other pages, preferences and so forth. There is information about using signed scripts here.
The section on "codebase principals" may be of special interest to intranet developers and others who wish to allow privileges to be requested without the hassle of signatures. Danny Goodman Article
To summarize the above, signing a script with a digital signature allows the user a way to verify you are who you claim to be before they decide whether or not they want to grant you access to potentially dangerous JavaScript features.