<frame />

PURPOSE: To create a page with three frames. This tag links up each seperate html page and puts all the frames together.

This is one of those tags that is different. There is NOT a </frame> tag. It is all incorporated into the one tag. Note there is a space between the frame and the /.

Below is a basic html document. The referenced html tag is in RED. All tags must have a start and a end tag. Most end tags have a / before the tags name, however there are a few that are done differently. The tags that end differently will be noted and highlighted. The order of the start and end tags is also very important to proper display of your page in a web browser.

The attributes to the frame tag are:

name="something" - This attribute attaches a name to the frame which can be used by links to use this particular frame as a target. Any link that calls the named frame must include in the anchor link code the target="something" like so:
<a href="mypage.html" target="something"> My Page </a>.

scrolling="[yes/no/auto]" -
yes - forces vertical and horizontal scroll bars to be attached to the frame.
no - disallows scroll bars to be attached to the frame.
auto - allows the browser to determine whether or not scroll bars are required based on the amount of available display space and the attributes of the HTML code loaded into the frame. The default is auto.

noresize="true/false" - Browsers allow frames to be resized by by the user unless this attribute disallows the resizing of a frame. Use with caution.

marginwidth="number" - sets the frame left and right width in pixels. The default is zero (0).

marginheight="number" - sets the frame top and bottom margins height in pixels.

Here is the code without using any attributes:

Frame Tutorial
<frameset rows="40%,60%">
<frame src="pagec.html" />
<frameset cols="50%,50%">
<frame src="pagea.html" />
<frame src="pageb.html" />

And here is the code using all the attributes:

Frame Tutorial
<frameset rows="40%,60%">
<frame src="pagec.html" name="topsection" scrolling="no" noresize="true" marginwidth="5" marginheight="10"/>
<frameset cols="50%,50%">
<frame src="pagea.html" name="leftside"/>
<frame src="pageb.html" name="rightside"/>

TIP - For borderless frames use this code:

Frame Tutorial
<frameset rows="40%,60%" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0">
<frame src="pagec.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" />
<frameset cols="50%,50%">
<frame src="pagea.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" />
<frame src="pageb.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" />

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