



Is there no one who will remember me

A restless spirit so wild and free?

Did anyone hear my last gasp for breath

As the sword broke through my breast?

My blood now stains the earthy floor

And all that I ever was is no more

Does anyone, anywhere grieve for me

A restless spirit so wild and free?

I danced beneath the moon and stars

Mended the people’s wounds and scars

I made potions and brews for when they were ailing

Made suaves to help those whose sight was failing

Often they’d gather to watch me make magic

Until one summer day that turned darkly tragic

When loud, ruthless men strode into our village

And acted as though to plunder and pillage

We stood outside our small, modest homes

Let them take what they wanted to claim as their own

So we huddled together, but each group they passed

Searching us roughly until stopping at last

When they came to the one that held me

The restless spirit so wild and free

I looked their leader straight in the eye

And thunder and light’ning broke through the sky

They shackled my ankles and bound my hands

And carried me off to a distant land

So empty of life, where nothing is grown

Except hatred in men when it’s all they have known

A rock jutted out of the dead, barren ground

And roughly they threw me on this hard cold mound

My back to the stone, my chest to the sky

This was the place where I was to die

And did anyone hear my last gasp for breath

As the sword broke through my breast?

My blood now stains the earthy floor

And all that I ever was is no more

Does anyone, anywhere grieve for me

A restless spirit so wild and free?