<title> The Page Title Goes Here </title>
<embed src="filename.mid" autostart="false" loop="false" width="145" height="55" align="center">
</embed><br />
<nobr>Push To Play Music</nobr>
Attributes of the <embed> tag are:
tells what file to use.
tells the computer to start the music playing upon loading the page.
tells the computer not to start the music playing upon loading the page.
You must click the start button to make the music play. I recommend using "FALSE"
tells the computer to put the start/stop buttons to the left.
are the dimensions of a small music button panel that will appear when the page
loads and contains both a START & STOP button so the visitor can start/stop the music.
LOOP=2 -
will play the music for two complete loops.
last updated; 10/31/01